Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Microsoft Surface

Surface computing is a new way to interact with the computer that are using a multitouch screen as its media. With Surface computing, user or multi user can interact with the computer using more than 1 finger and without using a mouse nor keyboard. Surface computing is a new technology from Microsoft that were created to facilitate the user in doing some action. Also in making a transaction at some company from anywhere.

For example if you wanted to transfer data from the mobile phone to the PC you must use a cable for the supporting object. In Surface computing you don’t have to use a cable instead of just put your mobile phone at the computer surface. After that, the computer will analyze it and will be showing some menu that has been made by the Surface computer. It was called multi user because Surface computer can be used more than 1 finger (multitouch screen) and if you want to put 2 mobile phone at the computer surface, it will appear a menu that shows the interaction of this 2 mobile phone. You can transfer the data from the mobile phone to the other. Not only transferring the data just from the same object like the mobile phone into the other mobile phone. But it can also transferred from the camera to the mobile phone or other object. Just drag the data with your finger to the object you wanted to transfer. There are more objects that can be analyzed by the Surface computing such as camera, credit card, even glass. You can also submitting an email so easily, watching a video and some image. Click the link below to watch the video from youtube.


Who are using the Surface computer now?

1. CNN: Election Center Coverage

2. Cara baru membeli mobile phone

3. Sheraton Hotel: Peta, jukebox, photo viewer.

The use of Surface computing is still in the company and military society. I will give you an example if this Surface computing has already reach the restaurant company. The menu and all of the information will be shown at the computer table. If you want to order some food or drink, just drag the object that are shown at the computer table into the order box. After you have drag all the food and drink you want to order to the order box. Click the order with your finger and it will be send to the chef right away. After you have done with the meal you can pay it with your credit card. Just put your credit card at the computer table to pay, and it will be analyzed by the computer instead of interact with the people directly. You can also consider how much tip you wanted to give.

There is also an application about wine at the Surface computer. This can be used by the wine bar company later. If you open this application, there will be a set of wines. For example you can either choose red wine or white wine and many others. After you have chosen the wine and order it. There will be a circle at the computer table, and if you put the glass of wine that you have order to the circle, there will be a lot of information. For example like the ratings, history of the wine, the map of wine, and many more. I just gave you a few examples of a restaurant and wine bar company. Because there is still much more company that will be using this technology like CNN, AT&T Store (a new way to buy a mobile phone), Sheraton Hotel and I guarantee it will be used by other company also at the future. It has been estimated that it can be used as a PC in 3 or 4 years more. Click this link below to watch the video at youtube.


How does it work?

  1. User touch the screen
  2. Reflects infrared
  3. Receive by the camera
  4. Produce lump
  5. Lump will be processed by the software
  6. Information will projects back

What is the advantage?

  • Direct interaction
  • Multitouch contact
  • Multi user
  • Object recognition
  • Saves more time

What is the weaknesses?

  • Hands are closing some part of the screen
  • High price
  • Limited software
  • Big size

When I saw this technology of Surface computing from Microsoft i see the future. This technology is still improving until now in adding some new application, so that many different kinds of company can use this technology. Surface computing is not targeting for PC. But for business, restaurant, military and many more. We must already know about the technology that are improving now. Because we will be left behind for sure if we still doing business like the old ways and not using the new technology. Microsoft always gives us a new technology to facilitate the user and saves more time.


Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

H1N1 Virus

Is it possible that H1N1 virus endanger the Indonesian People?

We do not to worry about the swine flu or H1N1 virus as an Indonesian People. Because according to Aburizal Bakrie that the H1N1 virus can only live at subtropic climate with 4 season. Until now we do not found any H1N1 virus at Tropic climate. For more information about why the H1N1 virus can only survive at subtropic climate with 4 season instead of at tropic climate can be search at the search engine like Google. But still, we must keep distance with this virus, because according to the World Health Organization (WHO) this virus can attack any country.

What step that we must do to prevent this virus not to be spreading at Indonesia?

Lots of anticipation that has been make in terms of H1N1 virus are not spreading at Indonesia. Moreover at the Airport of Indonesia, because there is a possibility that foreigner people are still carrying this H1N1 virus. The step that they do is making a Thermoscan at Soekarno – Hatta Airport so they can spot any possible passengers with 38 degrees Celsius or more. If the foreigner have more temperature than this there is a preventive step from the airport officer to banish this virus. Garuda Indonesia also had made an anticipation, and the anticipation is ready all of the air fleets with High Efficiency Particulate air filter or often to be called TRUE HEPA. It is the best air filter that can filtered the air until 0,001 micron particle (kompas.com).

The Mexican Government also asked for a help to Indonesian Government for mask and antiseptic pills. Because all of the people at Mexico must wear a mask and always use the antiseptic pills to prevent this H1N1 virus to be spread. Because this virus had already kill lots of people at Mexico. There is still more preventive way that was made by all of the country. Also the WHO that were working so hard for handling all of the people in this world. It is about the steps they have to make so it can not harm the other human being and what is the perfect cure for the the the people that have already infected.

What step do we have to make so it will not infect the others?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) giving some tips for the prevention of H1N1 virus infection (detiknews.com) :

  1. Close your nose or mouth with tissue if you sneeze or cough. After that you throw the tissue into the garbage.
  2. Wash your hands with clean water and soap, especially after you cough or sneeze. You can also clean up your hands with alcohol and it is also effective.
  3. Do not touch your mouth, eyes and nose with your hands.
  4. Stay away with the people that have a flu disease.

These steps is not only to prevent the H1N1 virus but also for another virus types that can infect others. Always follow the steps above, so you have a smaller chance to be infected by the others. Because living healthy is the best investment instead of a piece of money.

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Society Opinion Against The Coverage

Don't ever propagate the society or journalist opinion from the coverage that have no proof. If we already have the right proof from the competence side or police side, so it will not be a problem if the information is inform to all of the society. Society also wanted to know what is happening to the problem and try to analyze these. The coverage is important for the society so they can give a conclusion and more careful for taking a decision, so they do not fall into the same case. But do not coverage an opinion that do not have a proof because every people can have a different paradigmatic. Moreover if the side that have an accusation is an important person. This situation will make the society reduce sympathy to this person and destroying his or her life. Otherwise, if all of the coverage is true and from all of the evidence he or she founded to be guilty, it will be excellent if the information is inform to all of the society.

For you that have a high occupation that are very important or even more for example like have a responsibility to all of the society. Be more careful in doing an action, cause every single movement that you make is being monitor by the journalist. Press is not care if they comprise it in a right way or the otherwise, the journalist only think money in their mind (some of them). The information they got is for sale and sell it to the media company. As well as the society will be interested to buy the the news media and gives advantageous to the company. This news can also be comprise in the low news without the knowing of the people that involved.

I do not say that journalist are not good or the otherwise, journalist also helps us to know every tragedy that are happening at Indonesia and also the International news accurately. They always do their work based on the Journal Ethic Code that consist of some article. The information they comprise is about business, politic, education, and many more. All of these is very important for us to gain our insight. I only tell you to be more careful to some journalist that always comprise the wrong information to the public. I also do not wanna tell you what newly news happening at Indonesia for example to you. Because I may tell the wrong information too. So you must be more alert with every movement you make, because maybe you will be an important person in the future life. Keep your image so that you will still have a sympathy from the society.

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Heavy Traffic Solution For Kemang

Kemang District should be reconstruct again by the City Planner so that the society will not burden the heavy traffic, beside the heavy traffic they also make an noisy bell from the car and night clubs that distracting the people. This district have already been given a warning by the Kemang and Bangka people for not to commute Kemang into commercial place.

Every Saturday night and Sunday, society from all over the place come to the Kemang District. Their point here is to meet friends and many unique entertainment. Kemang and Bangka people have already told this place has change into a very bad place to visit. Because there is many night clubs and drinking place that open till the morning. I feel so bored as a part of the society in here because of this heavy traffic situation. Actually I don't have a problem with the commercial place, the only problem here is just the uncontrolled traffic. The construction is still working as the time goes by. Back at the 1920s, Kemang district was just a big plantation and the first society lived here was just the Betawi people. Foreign people beginning to come here and seeing new construction from day to day.

I have a suggestion for Kemang to be divided between the residence and the commercial place. For the store, cafe, restaurant, night club and others just for the pedestrian and other public transportation. This district will be lots of trees and plants that surround this place so it will be very beautiful. Private car will be held outside the possible entrance to get in this place, except for the residence at Kemang. The City Planner will make a big car park outside the entrance. If the City Planner have already reconstruct this place, it will be so much help for the Kemang society and fulfill the people aspiration. Also the foreigner will be very happy to live at Kemang and a big income for the South Jakarta.

Moreover all of the construction should have a license from the government because lots of construction do not have a license and destroying the government City Planner setup. Also the small merchant must have a license too, because this merchant is bothering the pedestrian so we must walk in the car lane instead of walking in the pavement. If Kemang district already reconstruct, this merchant will be work at the big restaurant or making a big food corner or food court so it will be clean.

Lippo Group already make a new construction at Kemang and that was Kemang Village but it is still under construction. The area is about 12 hektare, there will be a hotel, apartment, school, hospital, mall and many others. All of the human needs is located here and it will be a help for Kemang society, cause the heavy traffic will be reduce. Aside from Kemang Village, Agung Sedayu Group also contructing an apartment also, and it will be called The Mansion. The Mansion are working together with Kem Chicks. For further information you can search it in the search engine.