Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

President Ellection 2009

President Election 2009 will be coming in July. The battle to be the president of 2009 is beginning to get more exciting between these three candidates. The three candidates were Mega-Pro, SBY-Boediono and JK-Win. Although the incoming president election will not be the same with the previous political party elections. Do not have a high expectation or high hope for the leader of political party to be the next president because of getting high trust from the previous elections.

This is beginning to get more exciting because of the back to back critic between these three candidates. I was thinking it was just like a childish about this back to back critic. The leader of a nation should not criticize each other because it will lose sympathy from some of the people. The real leader is just focusing into the prosperity of a nation and realizing it instead of criticizes the other candidates. If these three candidates have the same purpose into the prosperity of the nation, why they have to criticize bad things to each other in front of the society and also the TV media. These three candidates should have a meeting and giving some useful input compare to give some bad critics to each candidates and I am absolutely sure it will makes a gap between them. Meeting face to face and talking what kind of programs they want to declare to the nation. Just like Mario Teguh said in the previous couple of weeks, not to criticize the candidates when this people is not beside him. Of course, the Leader that was just focusing only to the job will be having more sympathy from the nation. The funny thing is the critic between the president and the vice president; they should be having the same vision and mission.

The official campaign is starting at 2 June 2009. They were thinking for an excellent strategy to get the national support in many places. Nevertheless, the important strategy is to visit the Islamic Educational Institution that was trained by the Kyai (Kompas 2 June 2009 first page). Because majority Indonesian people is Muslim. Lots of money that was used from these three candidates for the same purpose, to get the throne and the prosperity of the nation. If some of them have a different purpose I do not know.

Their vision and mission is very promising and all of it is for the prosperity of Indonesian people. Not only for the prosperity of an elite people or entrepreneur but also the small people businesses. If the prosperity of the small businesses is conduct, surely the big company will be also improving. Not only giving credit into the big company but also to the small businesses below them. Because the big company is still hoping the small businesses for the raw items or material that can be called cluster. The example of this is if the foods from the farmers are excellent in terms of quality, the big company above them will also improving and gain more customer to their restaurant. It has the same case with a tree. If we give them water to the roots of the tree, it will be growing a big tree and beautiful instead of watering the trunk of the tree.

Nevertheless, do not just think only the Indonesian economic that must be improving. But also the securities of a nation that must be also improve. Because our security is being tested by the other country nowadays, and our national security is not very good enough. Some of the equipment is not available anymore. But still, this inventory we used it for the security of Indonesian people and for the military training. To buy new equipment we need lots of money. So, it all based on the Indonesian economic, and it is the main problem to improve of all the others. Also the culture it must be improving.

I hope that you think more criticize compare to the previous political party election. Because the chosen candidate will be deciding the fate of Indonesian people in the next 5 years. We seek for the resolute and realistic to the situation nowadays. Economic expert is needed for the entire problem that has occurred at Indonesia. Also the Capitalism that was not match to carry out. Any candidates if one of them is chosen to be the president they will burden many task to carry out. We need a President that always resolute, effective, clean and always serve the nation all the time.

Rich dad Poor dad

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a book that was written by Robert T. Kiyosaki and also with Sharon L. Lechter C.P.A (Certified Public Accountant). This book describes about what rich dad taught us to their sons about money that were not taught by the Poor Dad or the Middle Class Dad. Robert Kiyosaki taught lots of people to be a millionaire. That’s why people call him the teacher of Rich people. The main reason why all of the people working so hard in financial because they are wasting their time for many years at school but not have learnt anything about money. The result is people are working for money. But never learnt how money working for them.

In this book there is 6 important lessons:

  1. Rich people do not work for money
  2. Why we all taught to know financial
  3. Take care of your own business
  4. Tax history and corporation strength
  5. Rich people invent money
  6. Working for study – do not work for money

This book taught us how can we do not waste our money for something that are useless instead of gain something or income from our asset. Robert Kiyosaki have told us about Rich people only increase asset, Poor people or middle class people only increasing the liabilities. Actually it was that easy, so learn what is the differences between asset and liabilities. Because this is the first rule that you must understand. After that you use your own asset to gain your income, the people who did this is the people that have a good financial education.

The other Robert Kiyosaki books is also very good. Gives us motivation in life, not living like a robot that only hoping for a job and getting some money that was decreased by tax for the government. When we are done with the education at college we still have to get a job, but do not monotone at doing do job. Always learn from your job, After that start to get a portfolio income and passive income, for example like stock exchange, obligation, investation, real estate, create your own business and many more. Now, I read the Retire Young Retire Rich by Robert T. Kiyosaki also. It explains about how to start our life from zero and retire young.

I cannot explain all of it, just the point of the book. You can find it in the book store, because it is the best seller (#1 New York Times). Lots of people getting inspiration from reading these book. Motivates you and always study wherever and whenever you have a spare time. We do not only invest money but you can start now from young age to invest in terms of education.


Facebook is a social network that makes us easier in meeting some old friends and sharing some photo, video, comments and many more. Besides that, the application that Facebook facilitate is so many. Because Facebook works together with many website. Not very much different with the previous social network like Friendster and MySpace. Lots of advertisement showing at Facebook nowadays.

Not long ago, Indonesian Islamic Assembly will block Facebook at Indonesia because it was guessed haram by them. I know if Indonesian Islamic Assembly has to follow their religion articles that have been declare by them. But until when will this law declare. We will do not have any social network that always connects us if we keep following their law. When will the Indonesian people know the new social technology network that have already developing now and connects us with the people outside the country. Because at the future their must a new technology that will be easier to connect with friends, family, and business in social network. Facebook banish the long distance between us and all of the people so it makes us easier to share with each other. I think all of this is back to its people that use this social network. Facebook had already made a rule for them. If there is a vulgar photo detected at Facebook, it will be automatically deleted. This rule is clear enough, nothing to complain about it.

I hope that Indonesian Islamic Assembly can understand the Indonesian society feels if Facebook have been block. Indonesian Islamic Assembly will not get any sympathy from every people for sure instead of mocking them. Besides if they block the Facebook social network there is still other social network website like Friendster and MySpace. By the way, what is the different between Friendster and Facebook. This website is a social network but why Indonesian Islamic Assembly declaring now that Facebook is haram not long ago since Friendster booming. Please that you think further in the future. What will become with the new social network technology in the future, will it be block also. So, we cannot keep in touch with other friends or family.