Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009


On 17 July 2009, a bomb has exploded in our beloved country. The bomb exploded at the same place but different way of doing the suicide, The way of doing the suicide at JW.Marriott in 2003 is with a car bomb at the lobby entrance. The luxurious hotel beside JW.Marriott, The Ritz Carlton hotel also becoming the target of the terrorist in the same day, 17 July 2009, and exploded just after the bomb at the coffee shop at JW.Marriott. This two luxurious hotel security was heavy protected. Also when we enter the building at this hotel sector and a metal detector when we entering the hotel.

Actually the first plan of the terrorist at JW.Marriott was to detonate the bomb at room 1808, that will make all of the hotel guest running down to the lobby. After all of the hotel guest is gathering at the lobby, the terrorist or the suicide bomber doing his mission to detonate the bomb. However, the terrorist mission is failed to detonate the bomb at 1808, but the terrorist must still doing his mission to blow up the coffee shop at JW.Marriott. Exploding the room at 1808 was also to disappear all of the terrorist evidence.

The terrorist carrying the bomb still can think the way to pass the metal detector undetected. The way is unassembling the bomb into pieces, so it cannot be tracked by the metal detector. "If the bomb has a circuit, or has been assembled, it must be tracked by the metal detector. But if it was carried unassembled, it will not be tracked by the metal detector," an interviewed police officer at Mabes Polri that doesn’t wanted to say his name at Jakarta. The bag checking was not checked seriously by the hotel officer, just checking the main parts of the bag. The hotel officer must be checking all of the possible thread so it can make all of the hotel personnel feeling secure. Despite the the people is working at the hotel as an officer at JW.Marriott or Ritz Carlton.

According to Akhmad Rifai, a bomb specialist from Defense Industry Technology Center at Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), that already learned about bomb and exploder material at Jerman, a hotel usually just using a metal detector to prevent any bomb thread. This equipment still cannot track an unassembled bomb. "Detonator that only have 3,5 centimeters length and 2 milimeter diameter must have passed above the desk like the other equipment such as mobile phone, ring, watch, key hanger and also the other equipment that have a metal substance," Akmad Rifai said.

It was also that easy to pass the exploder material. Without x-ray like the ones at the airport, the material that have exact shape like dodol (Indonesian food). And the material can be shaped into anything and packaged like food."Just insert the material into the food box and above it we tuft an another plastic packaged food, and that pasta will hard to differentiate," he said."Not all of the hotel officer know about this kind orshape of the detonator, the exploder and the other exploder components."Akhmad Rifai said.

Actually dogs can be trained to sniff the bomb material. However, Akhmad Rifai said, The people do not wanted to get in the building because of the dog, and its not productive enough. Some of the people doesn't like if the dogs sniffing him or her because it is scary or the other things. But I think, Indonesian have been the target of the terrorist, why don't we use the dogs to track possible thread. Because its for the sake of all the people.

On the next few years maybe there will be a technology that we don't have to use the dog to track the bomb. But the technology itself can trace the bomb with the same skills like dog, and if something goes wrong, the hotel officer will check it furthermore. Besides that, maybe there is a technology that can track the unassembled bomb. The technology process is can identified the material and the possibilities if the material assembled into 1 item can turn into a bomb or other thread. The officer that guarding the important place like airport, international hotel, or other place that can be a terrorist target, must be trained what kind of material that be turned into a bomb. The other way is to change the officer with highly trained officer, for example like bomb specialist.

There are 5 reasons why Noordin M.Top do this act of terrorism at Indonesia and this reasons has been spread in the internet media :

1. Sebagai Qishoh (pembalasan yang setimpal) atas perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh Amerika dan antek-anteknya terhadap saudara kami kaum muslimin dan mujahidin di penjuru dunia

2. Menghancurkan kekuatan mereka di negeri ini, yang mana mereka adalan pencuri dan perampok barang-barang berharga kaum muslimin di negeri ini

3. Mengeluarkan mereka dari negeri-negeri kaum muslimin. Terutama dari negeri Indonesia

4. Menjadi pelajaran buat ummat Islam akan hakikat Wala’ (Loyalitas) dan Baro’ (Permusuhan), terkhusus menghadapi datangnya Klub Bola Manchaster United) ke Hotel tersebut. Para pemain itu terdiri dari para salibis. Maka tidak pantas ummat ini memberikan Wala’nya dan penghormatannya kepada musuh-musuh Allah ini

5. Amaliyat Istisyhadiyah ini sebagai penyejuk dan obat hati buat kaum muslimin yang terdholimi dan tersiksa di seluruh penjuru dunia.

If this tragedy often to be happened at Indonesia, The Indonesian citizen will not feel safe anymore to do any his daily activity and cannot full concentrate to work. Foreign investor also cannot trust our nation again, because of this scary tragedy. For the future, I hope the important place that have an international stage, is adding more protection and the serious work from the officer.

Bibliography :

1. http://reposaja.blogspot.com/2009/07/metal-detector-tak-bisa-mengendus-bom.html

2. http://reposaja.blogspot.com/2009/07/meracik-bom-semudah-meracik-nasi-goreng.html

3. http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/2009/07/29/

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Imagine Cup is a student most dignity technology competition. In this event, Microsoft persuade the young people generation to give all of their skills and creativity, making a technology innovation that can make a changes to the world. Various kinds of software is given from Microsoft for free, so that student can develop and express their skills. 1 team contains 3 - 4 people, also with 1 mentor to guide the team. You can chose various kinds of competition category that you wanted to work on. This competition is a way for Microsoft to introduce the young student generation to actualize imagination, spirit, and their creativity. Imagine Cup is held every one year. Now, entering the 7th year of Imagine Cup, it has already known as a global competition, searching for a brilliant solution for the global problems.

Competition Category :

  1. Software Design
  2. Embedded Development
  3. Game Development
  4. Robotics and Algorithm
  5. IT Challenge
  6. MashUp
  7. Photography

Imagine Cup Competition first held in 2003. After the first event, The final round has been started in many country. Spain, Brazil, Japan, India, South Korea, and last year is France. This year, 2009, Final Imagine Cup was held at Cairo, Egypt 2009. I want to join the next Imagine Cup 2010 at Poland so much. Persuade all of my friends to challenge with lots of people from many countries and win.

Actually the most hardest part before signing in at Imagine Cup 2010 is searching for a team that has a strong teamwork, same purpose, helping each other, and the other criteria that helping to create such a great team. I think after the team has assembled and having the same commitment to win the Imagine Cup 2010, I believe we will be a winner although in the end we are not the top 3. Winning means we have already have our products that we create in our hands that can satisfying.

Microsoft making such a big and glorious competition is for the student for various kinds of country wanted to join the Imagine Cup and giving all of their strength, skills and their creativity to be the champion. Without Imagine Cup, we will not have the passion from the student to work and even thought making a small product. After Microsoft started the Imagine Cup, majority the students have a solution to help the world most toughest problems or something we will face in the future. This YouTube link below is Imagine Cup 2009 at Cairo, Egypt in windows embedded category.

Various kinds of software has been given by Microsoft so that the contestant can give all of their skills and creativity. For you that have already graduated or already have a job in any major, try tu use the Microsoft software that now you can get for free. Try visit the Microsoft BizSpark web to get all of the software from Microsoft at the bibliography below. We can also develop the software with our team, we don't have to join the Imagine Cup if you are not longer a student...


1. http://www.microsoft.com/BizSpark/

2. http://imaginecup.com/

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Indonesian MIlitary Planes Crashed..

It is such a shame that 6 Indonesian Military Air Forces planes crashed in this last 3 years that killed lots of Indonesian Military Forces that have been trained for many years. A helicopter also crashed at 8 June 2009. It is so sad if we remind or flashback this tragedy again. We have lost the Indonesian Military Forces also the 7 air transportation.

If the Indonesian Military Air Forces don't have the fund to repair the planes, helicopter and the other equipment that was used by the Military Forces, we should not used it for the safety of the Military Forces if it not decent anymore. Because it will endanger all of the Military Forces. Minimalism the operation or other activity that Indonesian Military Forces doing now if the fund is not yet come to repair all of the air transportation or the other equipments. But if the Indonesian Military Forces got the money, they should act fast to repair all of it as soon as possible to start again all of the operation or activity they must have done to protect our country from danger.

It is such a shame if the Indonesian Military Forces that has been trained to fought any thread from other region has already died because of technical problem in their air transportation itself. I'm hoping for the defense and security department in Indonesia make sure that this tragedy will not happening again. The Indonesian Military Forces is knowned by all of the country especially the Indonesian Elite Forces is in the third rank in the world for survival, strategy, shooting capability, and many more. The Military personnel must always be protected to protect Indonesia from any harm.

Below is the list of Indonesian Military Air Forces that were crashed in this recent years :

1. 20 May 2009 Hercules plane belong to Indonesian Military Air Forces crashed and burned at Ngemplak Village paddy, Keras Sub district, East Java. The location of the crash site is 4 kilometers from Lanud Iswahyudi, East Java.

2. 6 April 2009 Indonesian Military Air Forces plane container type Fokker 27 also crashed at Lanud Husein Sastranegara, Bandung. The Fokker Plane fall and crashed the PTDI hanggar explode and burned. About 30 personnel has died in this tragedy.

3. 23 July 2007 Indonesian Military Air Forces plane type OV 10 that were doing a training at Lanud Abdulrahman Saleh Malang, East Java also crashed.

4. 30 October 2007 Indonesian Military Air Forces jet plane crashed outside the Military airport at Sultan Syarief Kasim, Pekanbaru Riau.

5. 21 November 2006 Hawk plane 200 belong to the Indonesian Military Air Forces crashed at the same place, and also at the airport. This time is because of landing error and crashed.

6. 6 July 2004 training plane Indonesian Military Air Forces type AS 202 B crashed at Serut Village, Sukomoro Subdistrict, East Java.

Bibliography :

