Kamis, 30 April 2009

Photography Hobby

Photography has been my hobby since grade 11 at Pangudi Luhur (name of my school) Senior High School. SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera that I have is the e 500 Olympus. Every brand has the majority of its own including this Olympus that have a dust reduction system in it. Nikon have a good focus as a majority for example if the picture gets bigger the picture is not break, Canon brand have the color detail as a majority and all of the other brands also have a majority that any other brands do not have. I think all of SLR camera is same in case of quality. SLR camera that are winning in the market is Canon and Nikon. Before I overcome this SLR camera I am using the pocket camera that are only adjusting the zoom, and the focus have already adjust by itself automatically. For the SLR camera we have adjust by ourself like its zooming, focusing, diafragma, shutter speed, iso, and many more with lots of photo techniques that we have. The lighting problem can be solve by using the external flash (another attached flash) so that can be more clear for the observer to look at. The Internal Flash (Flash that have already attach at the camera) attached to my SLR camera is not clear enough, the lighting sometimes to shine or to dark and the focus also takes time. Flash is also the key on taking a picture, for example like if we wanted to photo a model we must consider the photo angle, lighting angle and other photographer tricks so that the photo will become marvelous. So, lots of SLR camera techniques that we have to learn if we wanted to be a professional photographer.

Every time I go out including going to the school I always bring the SLR camera with me also all of the camera equipment. For example like the lens cleaner, lens filter, and I bought 2 lens including the lens that have attach in my SLR camera. Cause sometimes there is an incident or something important just going on and I do not have my SLR camera on me, I feel so sad about it. For the external flash I do not have it until now, just the internal flash. Every big event at my school I always take a picture for my own memory for example like every 17 of August (Indonesia Independence Day 17 August 1945), Music contest, Extracurricular, Social Analysis, and many more. My Extracurricular at my school is Nature Adventurer Group. I always have an expedition at my Senior High School to the Gede Mountain and Semeru (the name of a beautiful and big mountain at Indonesia). When it was long holiday at grade 11 I had an expedition to the Ujung Kulon with my Nature Adventurer Group. If this Group having an expedition I always bring my SLR camera with me. I begin to like taking a landscape photo because of the first expedition. At Ujung Kulon I was only taking a picture of the beach, cause the Nature Adventurer Group had never been to the middle of Ujung Kulon and it is because of the one horn Rhino. The photo at the beach of Ujung Kulon was very beautiful, and because of this marvelous landscape I become energetically for the very long walk. We are divided into 2 groups and that is north group and south group and it was estimated by the guidance of our expedition Tour Guide about 4 days including the relaxation time at each camping area until we meet at the end. I always taking the sunrise and sunset picture so detail.

At the Semeru Mountain also the same expedition created by our Nature Adventurer Group. At the time I was at Grade 12 and this was my last expedition. Our Group go with an Hercules Airways (It’s a trooper plane that were very cheap) from Halim Airport until the Airport at Malang (Malang is name of a city close to the Semeru mountain and I also forgot the name of Malang airport). When we landed at the Airport we all go straight to the House of our Nature Adventurer Group there (My friend have a house at Malang so we are realy lucky). At the house we are preparing all of the items and dividing all our logistic for tomorrow’s big expedition. At the morning we are picked up by 2 truck in front of the house and we go staright to the Semeru Mountain basecamp at the surface. Before we reach the destination we stop by at the middle of the road cause there is a beautiful landscape and I do not what the name of this valley, but it takes 20 minutes at this place and I take lot of picture cause it is very beautiful. After that we go on to our destination and just about 30 minutes we reach the base camp. Obviously we are not reaching at the surface of Semeru Mountain but we have to debugging the forest and big field until the surface of Semeru, so it’s a long way to go. It is estimated about 3 days to debugging until the destination.

After 3 days long march finally we reach the destination at the surface of Semeru Mountain. I cannot stop taking a picture at the long march beautiful view until I reach here. Now I realized that Indonesia is very beautiful in terms of panoramic view at the mountain, Cause now I can see it with my own eyes. This site must always be protected and also the existentialist so that lots of people known the Indonesian beautiful panoramic view from the Semeru Mountain. Not only at Semeru Mountain but also the Rinjani Mountain, Sindoro Mountain, Sumbing Mountain, Slamet Mountain and many more. We take a relaxation at the surface of the Semeru Mountain for about 3 hours to eat, drink and warming up. After that we were continuing to go up straight to the Semeru Mountain. To reach the mountaintop, it needs more teamwork, focus, strength, and spirit if we have close to the top and we have to grab each other. Because angle of the steepness is about 60 degrees and the object that we step on it is a sand, our feet is suck by the sand like a quicksand so it is to take another step. I beginning so desperate at this steepness condition but I have to go on or I will be a problem for everyone. It is hard for me also to take a picture in this beautiful panoramic view so I just take a few of it. After 1 and a half hour, Finally our group reach the mountaintop and it feel relief and very happy although the air is very cold. From this Semeru mountaintop I can see Agung Mountain (The biggest mountain at Bali), whereas the distance is very far. The small eruption is always happening in Semeru Mountaintop for every 10 minutes, but it just a smoke and not hazardous for us. There was a Soe Hok Gie stone in here and it’s inscribed about the magnificence view at this Mountain. After just about 1 hour here we go straight to our basecamp and were going back to Jakarta again bringing an unforgettable memory also lots of Semeru Mountain picture.

After this last expedition I am still continuing my hobby until now. The last picture portfolio that I have taken now is at Macau & Hong Kong, you can see some of the picture at this page and also the history of it. I just got some very bad incident not long ago, it is because of my Hard Drive (C :) is banished. So, all of the data or photo that I have taken have lost. Only a few can be saved but that is not enough and I feel very sad about it because my memory is lost forever. It is my entire fault because I am not taking good care of my Hard Drive. From now on I will always remember to save my data at the Hard Drive (D :) or it will be better if you have the external Hard Disk. If you want more explanation about the photo technique with SLR camera you can googling by yourself because there are many useful things that you can search from it. I am not expert at this.

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